Spiritual Mentorship

Explore small group mentorship programs or personal one-on-one sessions

Educational and Transformational.


Mandy Trapp is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, and Founder of Lifestyle Meditation: a conscious education movement with thousands of students worldwide. Through her work, Mandy has spent over 20 years reengineering the human-spirit experience and exploring the science of helping humans reach their fullest spiritual and human potential.

You can now experience private sessions or small group mentorship with intimate and facilitated groups of like-spirited individuals who are committed to their spiritual path and the work required to grow. 

Mandy believes that with the right leadership, multi-perspective approach, and the support to make it happen, massive leaps can be accomplished on an otherwise, bumpy and frustrating road.

Create a fulfilling + meaningful life. Discover the supports and guidance to make it happen.

Explore Small Group Mentorship Offerings


3-Months to Sacred Partnership

Join Mandy + John Trapp for a 3-month mentorship to radically transform your relationship into a courageous, sacred, and intimate bond.


Guided Retreats

El Refugio in Vernon, BC

Come home to yourself during this 4-Day, 3-night retreat that will inspire deeper states of peace, wellbeing, and connection both within you and all around you.


Your Lemurian Ancestry

5-week Mentorship

Discover self-leadership from a Lemurian perspective: the roles that each individual played in this society, and most specifically, the primary practices that they used to stay connected to their spiritual truths.


Explore Personal 1:1 Mentorship

 As an intuitive medium with nearly 20 years of experience wrapped in the science + practice of human growth and development, my job is to reveal all that is sitting just out of sight for you.

At times, these limitations can be due to a lack of awareness, education, and experience, but other times it can be due to the unconscious blocks that you may have that close your perceptions off from extra-sensory experiences.

These sessions will undoubtedly clarify WHO you are and WHY you are here. But because it's not enough to simply know these things, we will tap into WHAT your guides are offering as your best, next steps for moving forward.

View Private Sessions

"We may all be in the same storm, but we are not all in the same boat."

Start where you are and journey at your own pace.

"We really want to thank you again for the weekend. I can not express how great of an experience it was being there with you last weekend. I have never done any thing like that before in my life and it felt really good. It has really helped me to identify why I do the things I do and how to change the way I see things moving forward. [As a couple] we feel more connected now than we ever have."

 Communion Retreat Guests

"I traveled from Toronto to Vernon BC to enjoy this most amazing experience of spiritual enlightenment, connection and learning. In 4 days I met 18 other people that were strangers on the first night but became friends and a loving community that will last a lifetime. The distance I traveled is worth every minute it took to get there. The closing ceremony was so emotional and we were all one. I plan to go back again next year…. I can’t wait"

Karen D, El Refugio Retreat

A note on Change:


If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten.

Simply put, if you are calling in change, then you must be willing to change. Sounds simple, I get it, but I can promise you that after supporting many people on the path for over 2 decades, one of the most unifying things as humans is our unwillingness to surrender to the unknown.

Sure, we can spend countless hours prepping and planning for a future that we feel we can control, but if we could truly control it, why do we suffer so much through the process?

The answer is that intuitively we know that the universe is unpredictable and that the mechanics of nature are uncertain. We pretend that we can forecast the weather, plan our vacations, or even make arrangements for our retirement. Truth is though, what we are really doing is is setting intentions, making wishes, and carrying the stress of expectation that things will work out as envisioned.

Life is not about letting go of the reins completely, but the real secret as to why some people die gasping and gripping through their final breaths while others happily and peacefully walk across the veil, is in their ability to surf the waves of possibility.

What are the waves of possibility, you ask? I think that it's all about realizing who you are, what you want, and how you can help, while staying open to every single thing that comes at you as a possibility to know yourself more deeply and make all of the other things happen.

Perhaps the biggest parts of surrendering control and opening to possibility is changing environments, meeting new people, or learning something new that expands both your mind and your heart.

These small groups have been consciously curated to support those who are ready and willing to change. If you're needing to be convinced as to why this is a good thing, I'm sorry to say but this isn't the place for you. But if you are ready to step into the void of both death and rebirth, then let's get down to business.

For those ready to fully embrace all possibilities, there is absolutely no shortage of wisdom, love and support here, to pull you into a reality that is (I promise you), even better than what you can currently imagine.

That's just the way it works when you say "YES!" And when you're ready to declare it, we will all be here ready to receive you.

xo, Mandy